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SolutionsSolutions. Elementary. Essentials Teacher's Book and Resource Disc Pack
Solutions. Elementary. Essentials Teacher's Book and Resource Disc Pack - Книга для учителя с дополнительными материалами на дисках серии "Solutions 3rd Edition".<br /> Новое издание самого популярного пятиуровневого курса английского языка для подростков 12–18 лет охватывает уровни A1–C1.<br /> Средняя продолжительность курса 100-120 часов на уровень.<br /> В третьем издании полностью обновлён дизайн, новая структура урока и тексты.<br /> Курс обеспечивает комплексное развитие языковых и учебных навыков, а также умений, необходимых для социализации, содержит актуальные интересные подросткам темы, задания для проектной работы.<br /> Соответствует современным экзаменационным требованиям и рекомендован для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.<br /> <br /> With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed.<br /> <br /> The Solutions Teacher's Pack, consisting of the Print Essentials Teacher's Book and the Teacher's Resource Disk, is full of essential lesson information and additional resources for teachers to use in class.<br /> <br /> In the book, teachers can access an abridged version of the teaching notes, as well as answer keys for the Student's Book and Workbook, audio scripts, and a unit map of resources. The accompanying disk contains an unabridged version of the Teacher's Guide, photocopiable activities, three 21st Century Skills Projects, nine DVD worksheets, and a course test audio.<br /> <br /> These resources were designed to make the teaching of Solutions easy, effective, and enjoyable, and to add value to each and every lesson.<br /> <br /> Consists of the Print Essentials Teacher's Book and the Teacher's Resource Disk.<br /> Print Essentials Teacher's Book contains an abridged version of the Teaching notes, answer keys, audio scripts, and unit map of resources.<br /> Unabridged vers5288RUB
